Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday Night Ponderings

I cannot believe how quickly time is flying now that I’m not pregnant.  It seems those last 2 months took forever, and now we’re whizzing through time!  I constantly am sad that I’m not pregnant anymore, and I think the reason for that is when I was still pregnant I had excuses to take time to myself. I had doctor’s appointments that were completely focused on me, and in the hospital, once again, everything was focused on me.  I know that sounds somewhat selfish, but I don’t mean it to.  I think what I’m feeling is the need to balance and take care of myself in order to assure that I can be the best mom and wife possible.  Sadly, I only feel like half the time I am achieving that.  Thankfully, as reminded by Anne, tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it.  I want to be better at balancing, and I want to be a happy, cheerful wife for my husband.

Of course, it takes time, and I need to remember that.  But I also need to find small steps to feel like I’m accomplishing something positive and doing good.

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