Sunday, December 30, 2012

Some good stuff…

While we were at my brother-in-law and sister-in-laws house, I saw this book on the bookshelf:


It’s one I thought looked like a good one, so I cracked it open while I feeding Jonathan.  Tell you what – way to make an already emotional woman even more emotional.  And I’m pretty sure it was something the Lord wanted me to read this week.  I want to go find Hilary Weeks and let her know that her hope in writing that book came to pass for me.  Especially her second hope:

“The hope that you will feel
…the power of your influence as a mother
…the love and support of our Heavenly Father
…that you can do all you have been asked to do
…inspired to continue giving your best
…a desire to fill another sippy cup, make another meal, find another missing shoe, and wipe another food-covered, chubby-cheeked face.”


All sort of quotes, thoughts, and insights just made me cry and cry.   In fact, within 2 hours of reading this book up in that room I drove straight over to Deseret Book and bought myself a copy.  Pretty sure it’s already been looked over a few times, quite a few tears have been cried, and I’m feeling better already. Smile


A last few words from a song by Hilary:

“When it’s hard to believe in yourself
When you feel like you’re beginning to doubt
That He believes in what you’re doing
He believes in who you are
Don’t lose sight of the truth that you’re a Daughter of God
And He believes in Who You Are”

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Hmmmm. Think I need to buy that book!!