Monday, April 18, 2011

My little man just keeps growing up!

Since we were able to score a free toddler bed out of my parents shed when Steven was about 2, we have been able to put off buying him a big bed of his own.  However, lately it’s been evident that Steven is too big for his toddler bed, as he would slam into the wall almost every time he rolled over, and one time when he climbed in and bumped the wall he held back tears as he said, “I need a big bed!”
Well, finally last weekend after we went to the temple, we went out and bought all the stuff to surprise him with his new bed!  We bought a bunk bed so that we don’t have to buy another bed in the next year for Lillie when she gets big enough for a big bed, and Steven loves having them both set up, so we can build caves with them.  Happy times for him!!
DSCN0223 DSCN0228


DeFreese said...

wow he asked for a big bed! adorable.

nateandmel said...

That looks very similar to our bunk bed!

Katelyn said...

Too cute! Aren't bunk beds so fun?

Christie said...

fun I love the bunk beds! Cute bedding too!