Sunday, March 30, 2008

LD's in Logan

LD's spring tour brought them to Logan and they sang in our stake. It was great! IT was so fun to see old friends, roommates, and of course, Coach!


Christie said...

so, uh... can you be in LDs when you're married? Because I thought that Dalen Waters was married....

Anonymous said...

aww. LDs.c

Devin said...

Oh, that'd have been awesome to see them! I saw coach about two weeks ago --fun to catch up! It'd have been great to see the choir, too, though!

Necia and Joe Shumway said...

I wish I could have made it to that concert. I tried!! I did talkt o coach last night though!!! i miss him and need to stay caught up on the LD's!!!! I miss it

Andrew said...

Please tell me you didn't see "The Other Roommate!"