Saturday, May 14, 2011

Battle Creek Falls Hike

Hooray for weekends!! After letting me go running with my friend, and then doing a bunch of yard sale-ing, Darrell was excited for us to go as a family to go hiking over in Pleasant Grove.  It started raining as soon as we got off the freeway, so we stopped at my grandparents and had a lovely visit for a while until the weather cleared up.  Then we headed up the mountain!  It was a nice hike up to Battle Creek Falls, and we think the kids had fun (despite a lot of whining and tiredness and such from the two of them).


First sighting of water up the trail…

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Steven was a little trooper and hiked the whole way up to the falls… DSCN0703..while Lillie joyfully got to be strapped to me the whole time.  She actually did enjoy it, just didn’t enjoy me trying to take pictures of her.

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Steven had  a lot of fun playing with sticks and throwing rocks into the water along the way.

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We even found this cool cave.



And finally the falls!  They were very pretty and it was fun to take the day to be together and have fun!


(See the sad, tragic cuteness of Lillie having full out pigtails?  *sniff* My baby is growing up).

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DeFreese said...

what a fun day!

Rachel said...

yea for waterfalls!! I am glad you got out before it rains more this week!