Sunday, July 01, 2007

30 and a half weeks!

Here is what you all want! Here I am at 30 weeks and 4 days. Only like nine and a half weeks left! But yes, it's sure fun!


Greg D said...

Rowley!!! You're my favorite. Never change...except your underwear.

Anonymous said...

ohhh! you look so cute. yay for baby peter!

Christie said...

yay! I'm so happy for you. I wish I was at that stage.. but I guess I'll have to be much more patient. You're beautiful!

alecia said...

hi janell. on behalf of me and my curiosties, THANKS! you look cute :)

Launi said...

so exciting, janell!

dust and kam said...

Yay! So exciting! And cute! Woohooo!