Saturday, June 25, 2011

Photo Fun

I’ve had some fun with my camera this week.  First, I attempted taking pictures of my new niece, Briella.  She didn’t like me though… Briella Cute CryDSCN1152

So to make myself feel better (;)) I took pictures of my kids.  And surprisingly they were actually really good! It was fun.

DSCN1089 DSCN1090  DSCN1174 DSCN1183 DSCN1192 DSCN1194 DSCN1197 DSCN1200


Maria Christensen said...

Do you still use photoshop elements to edit your pictures? How do you do the lightened border you did around your nieces pics?

*Lauren* said...

Cuuuuuute :)

Katelyn said...

Those pictures are great Janell! Love them!