Friday, December 10, 2010

A Week In the Life of Lillie (Video Style)

This has been a big, fun week for Lillie! On Sunday as we were going to church I told Darrell that what I wanted for Christmas was for Lillie to learn how to crawl. I know that once she learns how, I'll not want her to do it anymore, but as for now, the fact that she will just sit on the floor and cry when she wants me, or when Steven is bugging her is really starting to annoy me. Anyway, I guess she heard me, cause Sunday night she started scooting.

This first video was on Tuesday when she was really starting to get a hang of the scooting idea.

The second video is just Lillie laughing with her daddy. Darrell can get her to laugh better than anybody.

And the last video is from this morning. She's making great progress and since she doesn't turn 11 months until Monday - she made it before then!


Emily said...

I love her laugh! So cute! It makes me excited to have another little one. :)

DeFreese said...

cute crawler! and cute laugher! can't believe she's almost 1!

Christie said...

yay for mobility! She's so stinking cute! I love it!

*Lauren* said...

She's adorable! You won't change you mind.....a baby that is able to do things for themselves is a happy baby. Frustration is greatly reduced on both mommy and baby. Congrats for graduating to this stage. Enjoy!!

Andrew said...

cute kids!