Sunday, December 05, 2010

Just because they’re cute…and for record keeping sake

My sis-in-law sent me a box of clothes that had been mine when i was a baby.  I was especially excited to get this turquoise dress, as I actually have pictures of me in this dress.  So, of course I had to take some pictures of Lillie wearing my dress today.
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Steven felt left out because he didn’t get pictures, so we let him jump in some :)
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And just for comparison sake, here is the only digitalized picture I have of me in the blue/turquoise dress. (I actually have some much better ones in my scrapbook). One big difference, I was six months old, and Lillie is now almost 11 months old :)
 Janell blue dress


bryceandjamie said...

Your kids are darling! I can't believe how fast they are growing. Hope you are all doing well!

DeFreese said...

adorable! before I even read what you wrote, I saw the pic of Lillie in that dress and knew it must have been yours. so cute!!

Hannah said...

That dress is so cute! And that photo of you looks so much like her, crazy! What cute kiddos!

Em and AJ said...

I remember you in that crazy is that?! Wow, now you have a little one of your own. :)