Sunday, June 27, 2010

A little bit of this, a little bit of that (a pot, a pan, a broom a hat…)

Lillie turned 5 months old on the 13th!! We got to take her out of her harness on the 10th of June, and she was definitely happy! Within an hour of taking the harness off, she rolled over from back to front for the first time, and has just been a wiggling and starting to move around little bits at a time.  On the fabulous 5 month birthday, she said “mama” while we were in church. So cute!  She is a joy, and is so much fun. Loves to jabber, blow raspberries, and have lots of fun! We’ve also started giving her rice cereal, which she loves. Although, at times I think she loves more grabbing the spoon and chewing on it.  She loves loves loves her daddy, and always saves her best smiles for him! 

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Steven is a character, and makes life fun everyday.  He thinks he’s graduated from naps, so the days seem to drag sometimes, but some days we get lucky (like today) and he will actually take a nap, and there is much rejoicing!

DSCF4786DSCF4818   (Have I mentioned this kid has style?)


DeFreese said...

what cute kids. can't believe lillie is 5 months already!! she's so cute.

Jenny said...

She is so cute! I wish I got to see her more!!!

Christie said...

I can't believe she's already 5 months! What an awesome family you have Janell!

Joe and Rachelle said...

What a cute little girl!

Em and AJ said...

Sounds like Lillie was ready to be out of the harness if she rolled over shortly after you took it off. :) Yay! she said "mama" first...usually they tend to pick up "dada" first (at least my kids did, and some of my friends kids did as well), so you should feel extra special about her saying, "mama" first. Love Stevens style...what a cute little guy.

Rachel said...

hi there! cute pics! hope all is well, we have moved to a temp place on center street until further notice... hope to talk soon!

Necia and Joe Shumway said...

I can't believe how big she is already!!! She's way cute! What were you saying about a harness?